This produced a crash in earlier versions of the SDK. Remove ability to pair iZettle Reader 2 when using iOS 9.

Fixed an issue where card reader might not be displayed in SDK settings after pairing Present iZettle Reader 2 pairing wizard from payment flow Increase reader discovery interval up to 20 sec in UI flows Crash in payment flow due to bluetooth connection lost after card was read #10100 Added ability to logout currently logged in account programmatically Deprecated `currency` parameter in the `charge(amount:_)` method Improved handling when re-connection to a card reader
Updating card reader software is now done automatically in the background by the SDK
Background update of `iZettle Reader` and iZettle Reader 2` software: `ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES = YES` flag is required if your project doesn't include Swift SDK is now built using Xcode 11 and Swift 5.1. Fix "iZettle SDK overrides UIPageControl tint colors using appearance proxy" issue #279 Fixed an issue where "iZettle SDK" might delete WebKit cookies on login and logout Fix an issue where crashes could occur when using iZettle Reader 2 (#285) Implemented new version of the SDK settings Implemented in-app pairing flows for all supported iZettle card readers SDK will no longer need to accept API key as part of the SDK initialization process. Various crash fixes and performance improvements under the hood Removed extra alert when tapping Continue in the Signature View Automatically restart card reader after an update is finished Remove “Connect another reader” from SDK settings Fix an issue where SDK was unable to pair with v2 reader after reconnection failure Implement an improved version of the pairing flow Workaround: On a Mac with Apple silicon use iOS 14+ simulators. The WebKit bug was fixed in Xcode 12.5 beta 3 and iZettleSDK crash will be fixed once Xcode 12.5 is out of beta and we support it. Currently iZettleSDK crashes on simulated devices running iOS 13.7 or earlier on a Mac with Apple silicon due to a bug in WebKit framework. This is due to changes done in the authentication process. Once an update to 3.1 has been performed, end users will be required to re-login.
Better debit/credit card selection for Brazil If you are interested to join our pilot program, contact us at Require Xcode 12.4 from now on with latest swift version Added support for US market where Zettle will launch during 2021. Under the hood changes to authentication flow Fixed double payments during transactions when card readers are disconnected Updated the UI for improved SDK experience Fix the bug preventing sending analytics events for new installs